Our Programs

Our programs are led by a highly trained and experienced faculty with assosiation Our programs are led by a highly trained and experienced faculty with assosiation Our programs are led by a highly trained and experienced faculty with assosiation Our programs are led by a highly trained and experienced faculty with assosiation



Identifying and analyzing needs for Corporates & Pharma

Accelerators, Hubs, and VC's Dedicated Workshops

Ideation Workshops for Hackathons & Lectures

Tailor-made customizable for specific groups or community


Biodesign Israel Innovation Program

Huji Grass
Center for Bioengineering

Tailor-made customizable for specific groups or community

Medical Centers

Biodesign Israel Innovation Program


Huji Grass
Center for Bioengineering

Innovation Enablers for Medical Centers

Tailor-made customizable for specific groups or community

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